Sunday 23 February 2014

My School in JAPAN


This is my school's name.
At first, this school was built for Buddhist.
But now, there are so many people who have no religion.
I'm non-religious,too.

At the start of the first term, we have to go to the auditorium and recite the school mottoes.
There is a big statue of Buddha.
So when I went to my school at the first time, I was so surprised.

I didn't know that but founder-Nikkyo Niwano is very famous person.

He has met with Mother Teresa and also he has been invited and given a speech before pope.
What a wonderful work history he has!

We hae Sports festival, school festival and chorus contest as a school event.
I like chorus contest the best because I like to sing a song.
Also I have conducted three times.
And I have gotten the award of best conductor.
This is my precious memory:)

This is my school:)

This is my class room....♥

I have been to this school since I was 13 years old.
And I could meet a lot of wonderful people!

Now, I'm belong to the KGGS.
KGGS is the course for the student studying abroad.

This year, 46 students came to NZ.

I really miss them♥♥haha

And this is my school uniform in summer.
It has a big collar and a big ribbon.
This clothes is called Sailor Fuku (sailor suit).
It is cute, isn't it???
I really love it!

This is the uniform in winter.
I like this one, too!

Also  I could meet my former teacher-Mrs,Inoue.
I had been taught for 3 years from her.
She is 64 years old now.
In Japan, people who are 65 years old have to retire.
So she'll retire next year.
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

 I could learn so many things which are very important.
To say "I owe what I am now to her" is not too much to say.
So I'm really filled with gratitude to her.

Moreover, I could meet so many precious friends,too.
but they are sooooooooooooo many!
So I'll write about it in detail next time:)haha

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